
Coming up! I will be setting up at the renowned Highway 80 Sale today, in Longview, Texas. The sale runs today through Sunday, October 19-22, 2023. You should check it out and give the vendors your support. I will be setting up at Highway 80 and Leland Street in the parking lot at the blue X on the map. Come out and see my newest mosaic skulls.

Check out the Highway 80 Sale!

University Street Fair Flyer May 20-21 2023
University Street Fair Crowd
art show flyer located at Gargoyles in Seattle, WA, U-District
glowing fluorite skull

Watch the Oklahoma game warden confiscate my artwork! I was passing through Oklahoma, traveling to Seattle to put my art in a gallery, and I had no idea that my deer skulls were illegal to sell in Oklahoma. I've bought and sold them in several other states all over the map with no problems. I had no intent to commit a crime. These skulls were picked up off the ground, not poached, or even killed legally. I find them on the ground, or I purchase them at swap meets. I only purchase the ones that are bleached by the sun, so I know they weathered outdoors on the ground. I should have been given a warning since I am obviously not poaching and I didn't know I was breaking the law. Then I would have never sold my artwork in Oklahoma again. The fact that they are ticketing and fining people that they know don't know they're breaking the law is a racket!

Hey, everyone. I have legal fees, and had thousand of dollars of my artwork confiscated. That has really set me back! I'm trying to keep going to make more artwork, but if you could help out with a donation to go towards my legal fees and replacing my lost artwork, I would really appreciate it. Here's the link to the GoFundMe page that my niece set up for me. Thanks to everyone who cares and helps.

GoFundMe page

I will try to get a blog page added ASAP for so you guys can comment to show your support.

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